挑戰歐洲霸權Honda e
Digg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia●上市日期:2019/Q4 ●建議售價:3萬歐元起 前身為Urban EV概念車,Honda終於推出了首款純電動量產車Honda e,以動力設定區隔提供2種車型選擇,分別為136匹和154匹,扭力則同為32.1公斤米。0~100km/h加速需時8秒,已經是搆到性能掀背車門檻的小鋼砲了。此車除復古Digg is a news aggregator with an editorially driven front page, aiming to select stories specifically for the Internet audience such as science, trending political issues, and viral Internet issues. It was launched in its current form on July 31, 2012, w...