It’s good!外國人一看就順眼的動漫角色排行榜
Dreamweaver | Web Design Training courses, videos & tutorials at DigitalFamily.comWeb Design Trainin原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 東方人跟西方人口味有時候總是會有點不一樣 畢竟有著文化的差異以及不同的習性 這一次就是要來說說外國的動漫迷 他們會對哪一些角色一看就會順眼的呢? 外國媒體也做了一個排行榜 讓萌友們也來看看或許自己跟外國人喜歡的角色一樣呢σ`∀´)&Dreamweaver vs WordPress You might be surprised how many people are confused about the difference between a website and a blog, and how complicated it is to answer the question about which one is better… Essentially, a blog (short for web log) is just a ....