Dime (United States coin) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 萬聖節到了,所有人都卯起來打扮得超恐怖,就是為了要嚇嚇對方,以嚇人為樂! (Source: giphy) 不過這個女友的用心打扮卻遭到男友潑冷水,最後只好逼她使出大絕招啦!她一開始打扮成小惡魔,戴上長長的尖牙,拍好照傳給男友 (Source: facebook/BRomaThe dime is a ten-cent coin, one tenth of a United States dollar, labeled formally as "one dime". The denomination was first authorized by the Coinage Act of 1792. The dime is the smallest in diameter and is the thinnest of all U.S. coins currently minted...