Dime (United States coin) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Images Source: gigacircle 、 ettoday 甜言蜜語別照單全收! 戀愛中的男女似乎智商都會自動調整為低階模式,耳鬢廝磨中說出的山盟海誓、蜜語甜言,聽起來都是那麼樣的真實而可靠,而吵架翻臉後的道歉與承諾,也因為心中對對The dime is a ten-cent coin, one tenth of a United States dollar, labeled formally as "one dime". The denomination was first authorized by the Coinage Act of 1792. The dime is the smallest in diameter and is the thinnest of all U.S. coins currently minted...