Linear Algebra/Dimension - Wikibooks, open books for an open world大家好,小弟第一次發笨板,好緊張~ 由於小弟的閃光,是個是一個愛編詞亂唱的人 只要給她起個調,什麼都能唱,又不能不專心的聽 一直很想偷偷記錄下來 於是某一天的晚上,他興高采烈的在車上唱著嘉禾舞曲的調 全部的即興演唱都被行車紀錄器給 紀錄下來了... 記錄下來Proof Call the outcome of the exchange . We first show that is linearly independent. Any relationship among the members of , after substitution for , gives a linear relationship among the members of . The basis is linearly independent, so the coefficient ...