這個80後中國姑娘只在牆上畫“鬼神”,畫到荷蘭 法國 意大利···
DIN connector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia我以畫畫為藉口, 來這個世界度假。 ··· 文那經 九月的陽光, 穿破法國里昂上空厚厚的雲層, 打在瘦小的文那身上, 也打在她面前的玻璃牆上。 玻璃的反光, 讓她有一絲絲暈眩。 恍惚之間, 她好像看到牆A DIN connector is an electrical connector that was originally standardized by the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN), the German national standards organization. There are DIN standards for a large number of different connectors, therefore the term "DI...