Dino D-Day on Steam - Welcome to Steam (source:臉書,下同) 大家都有聽說過越南的女生很美,但是近年來真是一個比一個美!這次有一位網友在批踢踢分享他以前出去工作見過的越南正妹,沒想到才剛發文馬上就讓網友暴動了! 馬上來看看她的廬山真面目吧。 ▼有網友說,感覺她素顏一定還是很正。因為這張看起來妝很淡啊!Frantic, multiplayer action involving Nazis and dinosaurs! What are you waiting for? This is World War II as it should have been! ... Dino D-Day is an alternate universe shooter where the Nazi's have Dinosaurs. Dino D-Day is a multiplayer game where you c...