Laser diode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (上圖僅為示意圖) 1、青春甜美的楓邂逅了高大帥氣的濤,兩人走進了幸福婚姻 22年前,17歲的楓高中畢業,沒有如願考上大學,甚至連中專的門檻也挨不著,她只有選擇就業。父母托關係給她在新會一家商場找了份工作。整天站櫃檯,楓倒沒覺得乏味,因為像她這種長相甜美的女孩,整天圍著她轉的男孩多的是,青春的話題A laser diode, or LD, is an electrically pumped semiconductor laser in which the active medium is formed by a p-n junction of a semiconductor diode similar to that found in a light-emitting diode. The laser diode is the most common type of laser produced....