Fragrances, make up, cosmetics, and skin care by Christian Dior 如果你的男人總以以下態度對你,那你得醒悟了,因為很可能他已經不愛你了。 一、漠視 當你的男人變心後,他的第一特徵絕對是漠視。對你漠視,對你的朋友漠視,對你身邊的一切漠視。 即便是你加班到很晚,他也不會打電話來問候一句,更別奢望他到你公司樓下接你。總之,當你希望他能夠關心你的時候,你會突然發現他消失All about Dior's beauty products with the range of cosmetics, skin care, make up and fragrances for men and women. Beauty tips and expertise by Dior ... YOU ARE A NEW CUSTOMER Dior is pleased to offer complimentary shipping for orders of $50 or more....