Direct bilirubin | definition of direct bilirubin by Medical dictionary 翻拍自youtube(示意圖,非本人) 原文吃光光w 手機排版請見諒嗚嗚不能回家w 先感謝大家之前的集氣 外婆雖然大部分還是不能動 但是會笑了w 首先我老爸是泰國人 所以我長得的確蠻像外勞的 這次轉普通病房後 每天According to Dade International package inserts, free hemoglobin concentrations of 500 and 2500 mg/L would be required to interfere with the direct bilirubin and CK assays, respectively, with the remaining 22 analytes subject to interference if free hemog...