小鴨變鴨霸 TOYOTA YARIS S動感高調
DirectX 12 - DirectX Developer Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs YARIS自2014年大改款以來,以超大空間及完美節能的油耗,深受年輕族群喜愛,穩居國產小型掀背車市佔率第一的寶座。為滿足年輕族群對車輛外型及操控性能的需求,總代理和泰汽車推出升級搭載價值5萬元多項個性化配備的YARIS S車型,分別有經典Style+版及豪華Style+版兩等級,以酷勁外型及紅黑What's the big deal? DirectX 12 introduces the next version of Direct3D, the graphics API at the heart of DirectX. Direct3D is one of the most critical pieces of a game or game engine, and we’ve redesigned it to be faster and more efficient than ever befo...