Amazon.com: Dirt 3 (PC): Video Games - Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Compute 今天要說的,是這個叫Roger Tofte的老爺爺...這個男人,這輩子做了一件了不起的事... Roger Tofte爺爺來自美國俄勒岡州,他出生於1930年,今年已經87歲,年輕的時候爺爺曾經是一名軍人,退伍之後,他在俄勒岡州娶妻生子,安定了下來。 &nCodemasters Studios are back with a totally reinvigorated McRae experience Colin McRae: DiRT will go beyond the series point-to-point rallying to deliver the most diverse selection of extreme off-road competitions ever. What Other Items Do Customers Buy A...