紳士玩物雪茄刀 切割利器
Amazon.com: Dirt 3 - Playstation 3: Video Games紳士玩物雪茄刀 切割利器 一支雪茄由五片菸葉卷製而成,倘若不借助工具而想要將其切成漂亮的“書頁”,並且是厚度可能有二三十頁的“書頁”,顯然不是一件容易的事。 當然,以前沒有雪茄刀的時候,也時興大刀闊斧地用牙咬,尤其是美國那些西部牛仔更喜歡Dirt 3 (PS3) Amazon.com Dirt 3 is a popular rally racing game for PlayStation 3 that combines the feel of fast-paced arcade style racing action across multiple surfaces and environments with realistic features found on real off-road circuits. The third re...