【CCSX】10月新番《終末のイゼッタ》發表製作群 聲優陣容!
How to Disable Game Center: 4 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow原文出處:萌咩誌 作者:CCSX 結合了魔法少女和坦克大戰的原創奇幻動畫 《終末のイゼッタ -Izetta, Die Letzte Hexe-》 (Die Letzte Hexe 是德文,意思是『最後一位魔女』), 自從6月上旬首度發表情報以來, 便靠著一支『美女女空降戰場』廣告而吸引目光。 如今過How to Disable Game Center. The Game Center app that shares high scores and allows friends to challenge one another at iPhone games can't be deleted, so how do you stop it from appearing each time you play a Game Center-enabled game on......