How to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 今天要給大家介紹的,是一款在日本超級牛逼的人氣雪糕: 井村屋的紅豆棒冰【あずきバー】。 每一年的夏天,這貨都能成為日本網絡上的熱門討論,然而,原因不是因為多麼多麼的好吃,而是因為它具有一項喪心病狂的屬性: 巨TM 硬! &nbsThe free PC-cleaning utility CCleaner also has a tool that allows you to disable startup programs. In CCleaner, click the Tools button on the left side of the dialog box and click Startup to see the list of startup programs. The Enabled column indicates w...