disc wii

Wii Disc - WiiBrew 最近收到了許多訊息.... 尼瑪!不管他們有沒有問題,對於一條蹬自行車上班的人來說,這個問題太桑自尊啦! 再看第二條私信: 哥們,你真是夠糾結的!對於你這種情況,我其實很想說:割了吧! 第三條: 其實我真正想說的是:有些人只會到真正受傷的時候才發現自己錯了,但前女友的事,跟你已經沒有關係了! 第四Start Size Name Typical Value Description 0x000 1 Disc ID Wiidisc IDs 0x001 2 Game code 0x003 1 Region code 'D' = German ; 'E' = USA ; 'F' = France ; 'I' = Italy ; 'J' = Japan ; 'K' = Korea ; 'P' = PAL ; 'R' = Russia ; 'S' = Spanish ; 'T' = Taiwan ; 'U' =...


Nintendo optical discs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia從前有一隻蝸牛,它掉落一個10米深的古井白天蝸牛可以向上爬3米,但晚上會下滑2米問:這隻蝸牛需要多少天才能爬上這個古井? 答案↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓&daNintendo optical discs are the optical disc format used to distribute video games released by Nintendo. This includes the Nintendo GameCube Game Disc, Wii Optical Disc, and Wii U Optical Disc. The physical size of a Nintendo GameCube Game Disc is that of ...


Wii Unable to Read Disc | Nintendo Tech Forums 男人這輩子挺難的:   找個漂亮女人吧,太操心, 找個不漂亮的吧,又不甘心; 光顧事業了,人家說你沒責​​任感, 光顧家了,人家又說你沒本事; 專一點吧,人家說你不成熟; 花心點吧,人家說你是禽獸; 有錢,說你是壞人, 沒有錢,人家罵你窩囊廢; 自己奮鬥吧,等有錢了女友也老了, 讓女人養All of a sudden, my wii won't read any of my discs. And on top of that, it makes a weird clicking noise. It goes: whirrr, click click click CLICK click click CLICK, stops whirring, and then displays the unable to read disc message. The disc is clean, I've...


How to Fix a Wii Disc Read Error | eHow 大家都知道日本人相當的愛貓,除了最近才剛下檔的電影貓恃之外,許多KUSO家裡貓星人的相片也是大家津津樂道的,從以前的放陶鍋的貓,到近幾年很愛頂東西的貓,從此程度不難看出愛貓人對貓的執著與瘋狂,日本的Pizza Hut近期也出了一款以貓為主軸的系列廣告,實在是萌死人了。   【更多精彩內容Your Wii can show disc read errors for various reasons. This may be down to a problem with the disc or the way you're using it, or you may have a console fault. It can happen with a new game or, infuriatingly, with a game that's worked just fine hundreds ...


Nintendo Wii : Troubleshooting a Disc Stuck in a Nintendo Wii - YouTube別再只說韓國了! 其實台灣某些地方也很像阿~ 都一樣騙~很~大!   神醫師~不扯嗎? 好門神~不拜嗎?   【更多精彩內容請上《漾傳媒》官方網站;《漾傳媒》官方粉絲團;未經授權,請勿轉載】If a disc gets stuck in a Nintendo Wii, try holding the eject button down for five seconds and avoid pressing the button repeatedly. Try shutting down and restarting a Nintendo Wii that has a stuck disc with help from a technology specialist in this free ...
