Blu-ray Disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 圖片引用 告訴你吧,那些所謂的好,比如專一啦,貼心啦,疼人啦什麼的,都是女人想出來的”招數“,你都有了,你算是“好人”。但是真正讓女人心動的不是這些東西。 女人所說的她想要的,和真正讓她心動的是不一樣的。那些好人需要滿足的條件,都是她口頭想要的,真正Blu-ray Disc (BD) is a digital optical disc data storage format designed to supersede the DVD format, in that it is capable of storing high-definition video resolution (1080p). The plastic disc is 120 mm in diameter and 1.2 mm thick, the same size as DVDs...