disco house

Nu-disco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲海灘巨乳比基尼辣妹,一秒被險惡的網友「P到爆」!(source:twitter,以下同)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要向大家介紹的是在twitter上超紅的p圖狂人James Fridman,我們可以從他的twitter上看到網友堆給他各種稀奇古怪的圖片,請他伸出援手幫忙修Nu-disco (or sometimes referred to as disco house) is a 21st-century dance music genre associated with a renewed interest in 1970s and early 1980s disco,[1] early to mid-1980s Italo disco and boogie,[2] and the synthesizer-heavy Euro disco and P-Funk aest...


Disco House on Digitally Imported - DI Radio ▲慘了...。(Source:meipai,下同。)   大家好,我是不喝咖啡的羊編 現代人越來越懂得喝咖啡享受,咖啡店滿街開得到處都是,連便利商店都來分一杯羹,再貴的星巴克也是人手一杯,即時沒有錢吃飯,也有把錢拿去買杯星牌咖啡代表自己的品味氣質,咖啡逐漸變成平民化的飲品,改天台灣街頭變Disco House The feel good sound inspired from 70s disco combined with the warm kick drum of modern house music. Channel Director: Vladimir Kuznetsov...


The House of Disco - Official Site ▲林志穎與老婆的素顏。(source:左:weibo/右:china,下同)    A place to find the best Disco and House. Including exclusive guestmixes, events, a booking agency and our label. Free music downloads everyday ... Our latest EP is now available on all digital formats so download your copy now on one of the links below!...


Discover Disco House Music - EDM Sauce | Your #1 Source for Electronic Dance Music ▲5個超恐怖玩具盤點,這些在電影中都不曾見過的超噁玩具(source:darkroastedblend)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編! 今天要向大家介紹的是5個超怪玩具盤點,這些在電影中都不曾見過的超噁玩具! 首先我們來看到第一個玩具,也是小編唯一在這五個恐怖玩具裡面可以接受的...EDM Sauce is your one source for discovering new disco house music. Stay tuned for our updates as we discover new songs and artists in the genre. EDM Sauce is your one source for discovering new disco house music. Stay tuned for our updates as we discover...


Disco House Music from 1976 – 2014 :: WeGotDisco.com – Retro Disco and Club Dance Music - Disco Hous ▲Wow!(source: 左:instagram / 右:instagram)   大家好我是云編~ 隨著社會進步,現在不再是那個女大當嫁、超過25歲還沒嫁出去就會被罵老處女,親戚也用異樣眼光看你的年代,如今女性愈來愈獨立,沒結婚也過得很好的女性比比皆是。不過即使是再堅強的人WeGotDisco.com features information on the classic disco music of the 70's and the new Dance/House music of the 21st century. David Guetta, Carl Cox, Ferry Corsten, Roger Sanchez, Chris Lake, Mr. Oizo, Laurent Garnier, Royksopp, Benny Benassi, Skrillex .....


Disco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說, 在美國的西海岸,有一個地方名叫Pacific Palisades, 它位於加州洛杉磯西部,背靠青山大海...  這裡,是好萊塢明星們爭相置業的豪宅區之一。   在這裡, 有一份叫《Palisadian-Post》的報紙。 可以算是這個地區最老牌的報紙了。 然而這裡畢竟是Disco is a genre of music containing elements of funk, soul, pop, salsa and psychedelic that was most popular in the mid and late 1970s, though it has since enjoyed brief resurgences.[8] The term is derived from discothèque (French for "library of phonogr...
