diy t shirt cat bed

How to make a cat or dog bed out of a sweater or T-shirt - YouTube 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 隨著生活的經歷增加,所謂浪漫的感受好像從轟轟烈烈轉為平淡的小確幸,似乎越平易近人的舉止更顯得貼心感動。來自日本秋田的一位家庭主婦 Tomi,將自己的生活分享在部落格上,常與丈夫和女兒一同參觀展覽與美食的幸福生活記錄下來。來瞧瞧這一對幸福又匹配的夫妻還有個This turns out really well! It's so cute! hope you love this simple craft! If you don't have a dog or cat you can always donate or make this for someone who does have a dog or cat! Sorry about the mess in my room!!...


DIY cat tent - Instructables - DIY How To Make Instructions 我也是第一次遇到這種狀況,忍不住想出手相助, 可是這生死離別的一幕!太感人了!我還是忍了下來!拍下這驚人的一幕! 你老婆被蛇吞了時,你也會像他那麼勇敢嗎 XDD   這些故事也很離奇!! 震驚!!藏在選美小姐肚子裡凸凸的東西!竟然是它…看完我嚇呆了! 他…被一I made this over the weekend for my Sphynx, George Hairlesson. I completely covered the cardboard (cut from a pizza box) with duct tape for added security. I also duct taped the t shirt (I was out of safety pins) on the bottom and everything turned out gr...


DIY Cat Bed from a Sweater! - YouTube 倫敦Millenium Mills大樓,目前是廢棄的大樓,不過因為靠近河岸邊,加上大樓也蠻平整的,就有商家在對岸的河邊弄上投影機,然後利用大樓的窗戶當作間隔來重現小精靈電玩XD 晚上就開始開放電玩遊戲《小精靈》,也因為這樣大家也部會對於夜晚的廢棄大樓感到恐怖!也多了更多商機!在對岸玩起這種復古電玩Have a sweater you don't wear anymore? Make it into a cat bed or a pet bed for a puppy/small dog depending on the sweater size:) ALL of my kittens have loved these so far:) IT IS YOUR CHOICE to stuff the middle section or leave it unstuffed----I have trie...


How to Turn a T-Shirt into a Cat Tent » Curbly | DIY Design Community王” 字減一筆,你最先想到什麼字? 可以看出你是什麼性格的人^_^ 答案: 先別往下看, 想好了再看答案~ ~~~~~~~~~ 想好了嗎?往下拉 = * = * = * 再往下拉= * = * 要是先想到的才算哦 = * = * = 繼續往下拉 = = = 馬上就到了哦 = 答案閃亮登場Where DIY meets adorable: A t-shirt turned into a cat tent. ... Photo: jessyratfink @ Instructables This Instructable involves two things that I love: ingenuity and animals. In this case a sweet cat named Lu who served as tent-maker assistant....


No-Sew Cat Tent from a T-shirt | Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Make 要將衣服穿的好看,其實有個大前提就是身材好,這就是模特兒和我們穿上後的差距…而一般身高較高的人,也被認為穿衣範圍較廣,穿搭更好看 ; 但有位俄羅斯名媛把這個想法徹底扭轉,即使她比起其他戰鬥民族的女人嬌小,甚至沒有既定認知的白皮膚、修長雙腿,只有 150 公分的 MiroslavWe’ve seen how to make a cat bed from a sweater before, but this fantastic t-shirt hack looks even easier since there is no sewing required! Make your kitty a little tent to hang out in. You haven’t got much to lose, it only requires a few household items...


DIY Big Hero 6 Baymax Disney T-Shirt in UNDER 5 minutes! 潮流時尚品牌間的聯名,已經見怪不怪,同時也是一種趨勢,很多八竿子打不著的聯名及周邊商品,往往可以讓雙方品牌加分,同時也展現品牌創意。潮流品牌當中,APE 可以算是打造各式各樣周邊商品的始祖之一,而紐約街頭品牌龍頭 Supreme 也不惶多讓,許多特別的周邊商品讓大家印象深刻,最新的 2015 年春My name is Crystal - I am the passion behind this site and I’m so glad you’ve stopped by! Whether you're a teacher or a parent you'll find educational crafts ... I’ve been researching how to do Freezer Paper T-shirts for our Disney trip next summer that w...
