台北101開春購物新聚點 「時尚品味專區」8大品牌盛大登場
My HP DIY DTG T-Shirt Printer - YouTube 台北101開春購物新聚點,時尚品味專區8大品牌盛大登場 年節回饋多驚喜,聯名卡周周3.3%回饋送 新春來台北101添購新衣將有新看頭,時尚品味專區開幕記者會於1月23日舉行,正式對外宣告台北101的新聚點隆重登場!位於購物中心信義側2樓,時尚品味專區為台北10This is my attempt at a DTG printer, I chose HP because this model was cheap new and it was at my local walmart, I will be buying an Epson to attempt this again hoping to achieve even better quality. The ink on this system has not been converted, I want t...