更輕更快,LEAOS 推出碳纖維電動自行車LEAOS 2.0
dl-MENTHOL (PEPPERMINT CAMPHOR) - Chemicalland21.com =Chemical Answer= 近日,意大利電動自行車廠商LEAOS 推出一款全新LEAOS 2.0 電動自行車。該車車架選用輕質的碳纖維材質製成,動力方面則由BMZ 電機帶來更快的啟動速度和運行平穩度,同時容量為11.6Ah 的電瓶僅重2.2kg 也方便了拆裝充電。此外,設計師還特意將車座降低以適應更多人群,並在車座下方裝有紅*Other (synthetic) produced primarily from reduction of menthone ex Mentha arvensis oil primarily from India - may possibly be blended into natural menthol, in some cases. ** Primarily produced from crude menthol and/or Mentha arvensis oil from India or C...