do exo fanfic

EXO Fanfiction      我的阿嬤是童養媳,從小就過戶到阿公家,沒受過什麼教育,每天清晨四點就起床,打理一家吃喝,曾祖母很早就過世,留下嗷嗷待哺的子女,都是阿嬤帶大的。阿嬤過世的追思影片我看了許多次,常常思考,像她這樣一輩子都為了別人而活,到底有什麼意思。舊時代的女人有她們說不出來的Title: Until The Day Pairing(s): Chanyeol / Baekhyun Rating: R Genre: Romance, fluff Warning(s): Language, sexual activity, lots of corn Disclaimer(s): Any lyrics / texts used do not belong to me. Length: oneshot Summary: Nearly two years later, Baekhyun ...


Exo Fanfiction and Stories - Asianfanfics今年夏天台灣的氣溫又創新高了,走在路上看到人手一杯手搖茶,我看的很害怕,因為我知道原料可能有哪些問題。如有不肖廠商,其實每一口喝的,都不是茶,而是可怕的毒藥。 我是【茶笑怡】的創辦人,我從小喝茶喝到大,基於對茶葉的熱情,一頭栽入這個產業,創立自己的品牌。為了催生自己的產品,我四處拜訪茶農、茶莊、茶廠Browse exo fanfics and stories ... Meiko is a small Japanese girl who moved to Korea to work as a Stylist for SM-Entertainment. Meiko never knew the KIdols that well, but her younger sister, the princess of her parents, loved them....


Exo Fanfiction and Stories - Asianfanfics做好每個年紀該做的事,就不會對未來感到不安 在世界上發光發熱的人,三十五歲前都已掌握住了某些「訣竅」。  企管顧問大前研一出版處女作《企業參謀》是在三十二歲的時候。當時他進入麥肯錫工作才不過三年,但是這本書不僅在日本大為暢銷,同時也席捲了世界各國。因此,這本書可說是將大前研一推到世人面前的Do you need a good plot? Can you not read just any old fanfic? Well I'll provide you guys with the very best in the fandom! Subscribe for constant updates! *Constantly Updating! Upvote and Subscribe for Exo-y goodness! =D...


She's Different (EXO's Kai Fanfic Trailer) - YouTube兩個天使一老一小於旅途中在一個富裕的家中借住了一晚,這戶人家對他們的態度 非常無禮, 且只讓他們睡在濕冷又窄小的地下室,當兩位天使正準備就寢時, 老天使在牆壁 發現了一個洞,便把這個洞補起來,小天使問他為什麼, 他說「很多事情並非如外表看到的那樣「。 I am NOT the author of this story. Song used: Juniel - Illa Illa Link to this fanfic: (NOTE: This story is private so it can't be viewed for now. I don't know why it's been put to private and I don't know when the ...


thisismylastlie: EXO FanFic Rec - i got soul, but i'm not a soldier 01.每天告訴自己一次,“我真的很不錯”。 02.生氣是拿別人做錯的事來懲罰自己。 03.生活中若沒有朋友,就像生活中沒有陽光一樣。 04.明天的希望,讓我們忘了今天的痛苦。 05.生活若剝去理想、夢想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。Tired and Wired (KaiSoo, BaekYeol, HunHan, others; AU, drama; PG-15?)* none provided-- thoughts: omg so it took me several nights to finish this (forty-freakin-five chapters omfg), and i do not regret it at all. this fic is just /tears my heart out and gi...


GROWL (EXO Sehun/Luhan/OC Fanfic Trailer) - YouTube求人不如求己,你的求人指數是多少?趕緊測試一下吧:帶著一隻精緻的小提包要出門,卻發現除了錢包,只能再放一件東西,你會選擇放入哪一項?a.鑰匙b.行動電話c.車票d.衛生紙或是手帕a.鑰匙你是一個很自制的人。這是因為你的自尊心極強,討厭去拜託別人,最深惡痛絕那種得到便宜又賣乖的人,即便是當時有求於人,Characters: Sehun, Eunji, Luhan, Kai, Chanyeol, Kris, Tao, Baekhyun, Xiumin, D.O., Suho, Lay, Chen, Jungkook, Jin, V, Suga, J-Hope, Rapmon, Jimin Read the fanfic here: Song used: EXO - Heart Attack Disclaimer: I DO...
