do i love you because you re beautiful

Fun Things To Do While You're Waiting - What are YOU waiting for*?最近, 紐約街頭流行起了一種 芒果花。凡是看到的行人都會駐足拍照, 網上全是這樣的照片!       不過它流行的原因,不是因為 芒果大(雖然確實很大),也不是因為 削芒果花的手藝。         而是因為每個芒果都會 What are YOU waiting for*? ... Okay, once again I went MIA. This time it was not because I was taking a moment to regroup and get a new perspective– this time it was because I was working hard for the money....


The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future: Chr對於一個品牌來說,logo 是自己的「臉」,tagline 是自己的「大腦」,而 slogan 就是自己與人交流時的「談吐」。如果某個品牌能馳名全球,那麼它的「談吐」一定不凡。這次要跟大家分享的便是22個國際知名品牌的那些為人稱道的經典 slogan 以及它們背後的小故事,希望能為文案們開放更廣闊的Q&A with Gretchen Rubin and Chris Guillebeau GR: One thing that really sets your book apart from other similar books is its specificity . You really drill down on how people have actually built these businesses. Why did you take this approach? CB: Because...


I do not fear death -▲大數據分析結果(source:ewepaikleong,圖片為示意圖)   大家好,我是煞氣編。 大家知道其實不只男生喜歡看污片,其實女生也很喜歡,Pornhub全球的女性用戶約占了總用戶的24%。據全球最大污片網站pornhub報導,pornhub每天的瀏覽量高達六千萬,該網站也藉此數Roger Ebert was always a great friend of Salon's. We're deeply saddened by reports of his death, and are re-printing this essay, from his book "Life Itself: A Memoir," which we think fans will take particular comfort in reading now. I know it is coming, a...


I'll Always Love You: Hans Wilhelm: 9780517572658: Books 最近,外媒報道了一則令人咋舌的新聞...   「那個曾經分屍並吃了被害人的食人魔加拿大色情片演員,要在監獄裡結婚了。 兩年前,他曾經通過婚戀網站找白馬王子。」   這則新聞引發了不小的轟動。 因為新聞中所說的食人魔是Luka Magnotta。受害人是曾經在加拿大留學的中國學生PreSchool-Grade 2 In this gentle, moving story, Elfie, a dachshund, and her special boy progress happily through life together. When she is young, Elfie is full of pep and pranks; but as her master grows taller and taller, Elfie grows fatter and slower. O...


Just Because He Breathes: Learning to Truly Love Our Gay Son | Linda Robertson 照片里的這個人名叫Judy Malinowski,來自美國的俄亥俄州,只有33歲的她,昨天在醫院裡痛苦去世了。     Judy 去世前的將近兩年的時間裡,她都過着生不如死的日子。因為在這段時間她都躺在醫院的重症監護室里,承受着無盡的燒傷痛苦。     雖然We were completely shocked. Not that we didn't know and love gay people; my only brother had come out to us several years before, and we adored him. But Ryan? He was unafraid of anything, tough as nails and all boy. We had not seen this coming, and the em...
