do it til we get funky

Photo editor | BeFunky: Free Online Photo Editing and Collage Maker▲自己去看婦產科還是要小心謹慎啊!(source:Dcard、thehealthdaily) 去看婦產科一定要注意,若沒性經驗一定得先提,日前一名台中科大的女學生在Dcard貼文表示自己前陣子因為月經晚來的關係,想找一間婦產科去看診,但由於自己不是台中人也不熟,所以選擇了學校附近的婦產科看診,因為自The Only Photo Editor You Need BeFunky gives you the photo editing tools to turn your photos into something more than your camera can capture. ... Beat Summer Boredom With These Kid-Friendly Activities Wondering what to do on those too-hot-for-the-pool...


How do Event Cinemas get away with it? - Cinema - Movies▲這人前人後也差太多!?(source:PTT下同) 日前一名網友在Ptt表特版「神人」,男子表示自己搭捷運時遇到一名讓自己凍未條的留英正妹,並附上了自己偷拍的幾張照片,那冷豔的眼神加上整理過的完美髮型,這位「留英」正妹除了吸引人向他靠近之外,更帶有著龐大的距離感,而這距離感也讓這位網路肥宅男子只敢We all joke about cinemas ripping people off but I have had it, especially with the monopoly Event Cinemas. First there was the candy bar, but hey, overpriced j ... ablecross writes... Cinemas are an enormous rip off. Indeed, especially during a recession...

全文閱讀 MANGROOMER Do-It-Yourself Electric Back Hair Shaver: Beauty▲日本人真的很瘋狂...(source:蘋果日報、youtube下同) 日前一名日本籍的網友在網站《2ch》po出自己的最新刺青,他表示自己花了大約10萬日幣將自己的最愛刺在身上了!現在正興奮的照著鏡子呢!而原本非常期待看到底是什麼樣的刺青的網民們再看到刺青本尊都傻眼了,竟然次上了卡牌對戰系列的網路The Mangroomer Do-It-Yourself Electric Back Shaver is absolutely the best way to get rid of unwanted back hair. This one-of-a-kind device features a large 1.5-inch blade that enables you to shave larger areas of your back with ease. The Mangroomer's cutti...


Photo Editor | BeFunky: Free Online Photo Editor 序言-- 我的起點,其實是單純的願望:一直以來,我總是期待有小說家,能寫出屬於臺灣島嶼的奇幻故事,如同日本人寫江戶怪譚、陰陽師,或者是像托爾金用中古歐洲歷史背景,創造《魔戒》的奇幻平行世界。我很希望臺灣也有小說故事,用這樣的筆法,來創造出臺灣奇幻世界的史觀。 因為這樣的想法,讓我寫下小說《幻之港─Thank You For Choosing BeFunky! Not only do you have a cornucopia of Photo Editing Tools at your finger tips, you’re now a part of one of the largest creative online ... Browse the millions of beautiful, inspiring photos in the BeFunky Explore Gallery to ...


Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us): Tom Vanderbilt: 9780307277190: AmazisCar! 警察在夜晚巡邏時,發現一台白色小客車停在路旁紅線上,警察上前查看發現大華睡在車上,敲打車窗請大華下車,警察從大華身上聞到濃濃的酒味,要求大華做酒測,酒測值竟高達每公升0.65毫克,大華堅決否認自己有開車,說自己剛才只是在車上睡覺,雖然有發動引擎但是為了吹冷氣,警察仍對大華酒駕以及違停在Amazon Best of the Month, July 2008 : How could no one have written this book before? These days we spend almost as much time driving as we do eating (in fact, we do a lot of our eating while driving), but I can't remember the last time I saw a book on al...


We Heart It - Official Site▲引火自焚...(source:youtube) 台中市日前一名男子在永興派出所的警用機車格內引火自焚,火勢延燒六部警用機車,男子最後倒臥在警用機車前,當場死亡。警方研判,死者為61歲廖男,育有1男1女,平時靠打工維生,生活並不穩定,且曾有「動產擔保」、「妨礙公務」等前科。在去年四月廖男曾因騎車左轉We Heart It is your home for inspiring images & the people who heart them. Discover, collect, and share daily inspiration & beautiful images every day. ... Heart images that move you And move others 5 star app rating...
