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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop (Offical Music Video) - YouTube 平常有在關注 NBA 花邊消息的都知道,LeBron James 和 Dwyane Wade 都是夜生活愛好者,時常一起出席各大夜店狂歡派對。 但也正因如此,太愛跑趴,夜生活恣意奢華,讓兩人曾經陷入過買春醜聞,而且還包括另一位明星球員甜瓜 "Can't Stop" is a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 2002 album, By the Way. It is the third single released from the album. This song is a playable track in the game Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades. Connect With Red Hot Chili Peppers: Website: htt...


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