'Hear The Boat Sing'【彭郁儒/報導】於去年2014年年底Kia繼Morning、Soul與Optima等車後,再度推出國產MPV車型Carens。隨著消費者用車習慣改變,Carens 5+2七人座設定能滿足全家出遊需求外,豐富的便利配備、安全配備與座艙質感品質等,皆有著不同於市國產同級對手。Carens另一重點優勢便是In the single scull, Kelly won the Wingfields in 1903 and Henley's Diamonds in 1902, 1903 and 1905. His record time for the latter, 8 minutes and 10 seconds, lasted for 30 years. There is no shortage of accounts of a man who touched people’s lives in a va...