Urban Dictionary: docking 靠北老公原文:我要靠北我老公跟他不要臉的小三。本來我以為我是很幸福的人,老公很疼我,公婆對我像親女兒一樣愛護,小叔也對我如親姐姐一樣尊重,結婚二年多,住在一起也沒有什麼爭吵。但前天你那個不要臉的小三,居然到我工作的地方,約我吃午餐,跟我說你們相愛已經十五年,説看見老公跟我談戀愛到結婚The act of placing the head of ones penis inside the foreskin of another's penis. ... The act of docking is when one male stretches the foreskin of his penis over another mans penis. Docking will result in a more satisfactory orgasm if one or both men eja...