他天性「好色」 因畫「春宮圖」一炮而紅 筆下的美女讓人不敢直視!
Dog child - Home 本文由每天進步一點點整理編輯 在改革開放的年代,一幅幅春宮圖畫作像是一顆顆炸彈,炸翻了整個文化界,讓很多男人都羞紅了臉。 ——進步君 有人說這是淫邪的春宮圖,也有人說這是解放天性的真理圖。 &Dog Child presented our pup popular dog agility course on Saturday, June 4th, 2016! Thanks to all our clients, family and friends, especially our four legged furry friends, for stopping by and sniffing around. Checkout the fun pictures of dogs of all size...