台灣野生DJ「啪帶」模仿soda晃很大 看完暈車...那裏太搶戲了!
Doll's eyes phenomenon | definition of Doll's eyes phenomenon by Medical dictionary最近好像韓國的DJ SODA很火的樣子?今天在加藤軍台灣粉絲團2.0的臉書上看到了一則搞笑影片!看你們長那麼正~~不搬上來分享不行啦XD 好啦~~我們台灣的美眉也來模仿她了啦!讓我們歡迎———————&reflex [re´fleks] a reflected action or movement; the sum total of any particular automatic response mediated by the nervous system. A reflex is built into the nervous system and does not need the intervention of conscious thought to take effect. The knee...