Reborn Masterpiece doll box opening smells like cat pee cracked eye :( - YouTube 來自布拉格的攝影師David Tesinsky,喜歡街頭故事、城市文化、亞文化, 喜歡用他的紀實攝影,留下一張張真實的人生。 這一次他帶着鏡頭深入烏克蘭重刑監獄,拍了一列連環殺人犯的肖像。 這間監獄乾淨而整潔,犯人們安靜而配合。 讓我們通過他的鏡頭, 來和這It was a happy sad moment. The outside box had a strong odor of cat pee. I had to change my shirt after the box opening. " Just saw that her eye is cracked :( " The doll seems to be ok but I'm not sure what to do. If I ever want to re sell her I don't thi...