don t limit yourself

Limit Quotes - BrainyQuote 圖片來源 所以說沒事別亂找有的沒的測試自己男友 前提是不論結果如何你都要有承擔的心理準備 影片來源   你可能還會想看 地震專家說中了日前的南部大地震!還預測下一個恐怖大地震竟然就在「這裡」,而且馬上就要發生! 兄妹大吵一架,憤怒的哥哥將妹妹往牆上一推!沒想到卻開發出妹妹「意外的屬性」!Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets ......


Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think ...   翻攝DCARD、YOUTUBE     國中的時候 我是個屁孩   就是那種帶頭霸凌人的屁孩 如果只有混而已那基本上好解決 但是我成積一直都是校排五趴左右 而且我最擅長就是事先想好整人的方法 跟編一堆歪理推卸責任      "Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets ......


Do Not Limit Yourself (by Catherine Pulsifer) - Facebook   (圖片翻攝自dianliwenmi) 我和妻子認識時間並不長,只相處了6個月的時間,就步入了婚姻殿堂。妻子長相特別清純,160公分的身材看上去高挑勻稱,一雙會說話的大眼睛特別令我著迷。我不知不覺地墜入情網難以自拔。 妻子比我大兩歲,但是每次我和她一起走在街上時,常常被別人認為我比她大Don't limit yourself; don't put yourself in a bottle. Or in other words move out of what is comfortable and secure if you ......


How to Stop Limiting Yourself and Feel Fully Alive - Tiny Buddha   其實身邊的人會說夢話有時候也是一種樂趣,像我就很喜歡聽聽閃光夢話在講啥! 這個螢火蟲夢真的讓我笑到每丁每當,太有畫面了 -------------------------------------靠北男友原文:男友:「螢火蟲...」我:(嗯...?)男友:「螢火蟲...」我:(又開始講Could it be that the prevalence of depression in First World countries is because our lives don't challenge us as much ......


Daily Quote: Don't Limit Yourself - 翻攝互動中國   小夥子站在天臺上要自殺,眾人圍觀。不一會警察來了,問其原因,小夥回答:談了八年的女朋友跟土豪跑了,明天要結婚了,感覺活著沒意思!警察來了一句:睡了別人的老婆八年,你TM的還有臉在這裡自殺!小夥想了想,也對啊,就走了下來了。 所以換位思考很重要,學會站在另一個角度去看問題I'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that I can do something else....
