Journey - Don't Stop Believin' lyrics | LyricsMode.com會錯意(一) 下午coffee time,總經理走近四個女同事旁,“美麗小姐兒們,要不要猜謎啊?嘻嘻……好啦注意聽,猜人身上的東西:上面有毛,下面也有毛,晚上就來個毛對毛。”“唉呀呀,總經理好色,人家不來了啦!”&ldquo2 explanations, 5 meanings to Don't Stop Believin' lyrics by Journey: [Verse 1] / Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world / She ... First of all I would just like to say that I love journey n I think this song means like if you have a dream tht k...