Powerful Inspirational true story...Don't give up! - YouTube 圖片截自dcard下同 各位網友玩過最凶猛賭最大的國王遊戲是什麼? 像這位網友可能就賭太太大了 網友17號在DCARD上PO文 跟朋友玩國王遊戲打賭 而被強迫去追求朋友的「極品」姊姊 結果可能比死還慘... 重點是女生還出現回文了!!!! 太精采了吧! 以下為原文 標題: 我追了我朋友的姐姐 這件When you don't give up..You cannot fail!! I want to say a BIG thank you to 'everyone' who has commented on the inspiration that they've received from this video. When I put this video together I was following my heart to inspire 'Whoever' might be discour...