dong li ubc

Home - Dong Li at UBC原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:夜冥風 每部動畫中的角色,都有設定上的不同 有邪惡到不行的壞蛋,但是也會有單純到令人不敢相信的角色 純真無邪到讓人好想好好苛護他ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) charapedia網站萬名網友選出最單純的動漫角色TOP 20! 就讓我們來看看有那些天然呆(?)的角色吧~  Research Interest My research focuses on the analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations, especially on the fundamental wellposedness/illposedness issues, and long time asymptotic behavior of solutions. Specifically I have worked on: ......


Mathematics, Department of (圖片翻攝自‪#‎靠北老公12737‬) 靠北老公原文:真的很靠北的老公,說去台中參加朋友婚宴喝喜酒,一喝半個月沒回家,很想知道你朋友是何方神聖,媽祖還是五府千歲,辦的流水席麻,我看你乾脆環島喝喜酒好了!-------------------------------------網友神回覆:Undergraduate and graduate programs; research areas include topology, applied mathematics, and partial differential equations....


SEEDS Library | (圖片翻攝自dcard) Dcard原文:上網聊Wootalk,居然遇到我妹妹!!!!-先前提醒 -【我真的有妹妹別懷疑.別再留言說 我沒有妹妹了】我妹妹長得滿漂亮的追求者也滿多的但是她很宅平常愛跟我打電動跟看動漫偶爾我陪她去逛街買東西非常喜歡網路交友而且常常會跟我分享心事但是...她最近迷上了wThe SEEDS Program Library is Campus Sustainability's digital repository for all SEEDS student reports. Senior level undergraduate and graduate students work collaboratively with UBC staff and are guided by faculty to produce recommendations that advance ....


Mark MacLachlan | UBC Chemistry (圖片翻攝自dcard) Dcard原文原本想說不要po好了但我真的嚥不下這口氣昨天社團課結束新血來潮想去頂樓抽菸平常那邊很少人知道 也很少人上去所以那邊成了我抽菸的秘密基地(哈哈重點不是這個( ̄<  ̄)>)我往樓上走拿菸出來 抽了幾口突然看到......一男一女正在ooxx他們看到我在抽菸居然反Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry GROUP PHOTO November 2011. Left side, top to bottom: Kevin, Mark, Joel (standing). Middle, top to bottom: Susan, Clement. Right side, up high (L to R): Stanley, Brian....


Women初戀的回憶總是甜蜜又青澀,但實際上能跟初戀情人修成正果的人卻寥寥可數,以下這位網友就在臉書上發文,他跟他等了17年的初戀情人結婚,其中雖然女生交過兩任男友,但最後卻因為都被家暴收場,正當他們終於獲得了彼此的幸福時,上天卻開了一個大大的玩笑…   ▼他跟這位女孩從小學開始就同校When 12-year old Maggie (Margaret) Chin arrived from Hong Kong to Seattle on April 2, 1909, she wasn’t sure she would be admitted, although an American citizen. The Immigration Bureau's inspectors, probably instigated by their boss, the virulently anti-Ch...


Lukas.Chrostowski | Microsystems and Nanotechnology Group (MiNa) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dcard原文:剛交往時我女朋友長了菜花,因為Jonas Flueckiger, Samantha M. Grist, Eric Ouellet, Lukas Chrostowski, Karen C. Cheung, "Label-Free Biosensing Using Cascaded Silicon-on-Insulator Micro-Racetrack Resonators Integrated With PDMS Microfluidic Channels", The 15th International Conference ......
