Doodle God - DoodleGod仙併仙 一個男子很有錢,要娶媳婦,他有一位很窮的親戚,實在不願發帖給他,但於禮不合,所以還是發了張帖子,上頭附註: 如果你來,表示你貪吃; 如果不來,表示你小氣。 這位富翁便要看他來不來。 婚禮當天,看見這位窮親戚,窮親戚看到他,便將包禮的紅包給他,Doodle God is addictive, puzzle game mix and match different combinations of fire, earth, wind and air to create an entire universe! ... Game suggestion - by Gogoud Doodle civilization the game play is the same except the story line is of a chosen ancient...