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Doraemon Games - Play Doraemon Games Online有兩對夫妻在一起打麻將。小張一不小心掉地上一張牌,他就鑽到桌子底下去撿,可他抬頭一看,發現小王的太太沒有穿褲衩。他嚇了一跳,腦袋撞在桌子上,鑽出來時滿臉通紅。小王的太太看出來他看到了自己的下身,就裝做沒事一樣。事後,小張接到小王太太的電話,她問:「你昨天鑽到桌子底下是不是看到了我沒穿褲衩?」小張不好Doraemon games for free, this is the best Doraemon games for Kids and Girls. We are update everyday with including top Popular Doraemon, most Doraemon! ... About Doraemon: Doraemon is a 1986 computer game software application developed and released by ......
