REMIX x G-SHOCK POP-UP STORE第二波聯名商品GA-100 限定錶款
Creating DOS Batch Files - Useful Information: tons of info stuffed into a small site 台灣原創街頭品牌Remix Clothing Taipei與G-Shock為了POP-UP STORE再度攜手發表第二波聯名商品-GA-100。採用歷久不衰的雙顯配置延續DW-6900錶盤上方三眼設計,打造出豐富層次的立體3D錶盤結構。結合台灣首度亮相的帆布錶帶,流竄其中的經典黑白條紋與品牌刺繡的Batch Files What are batch files? Batch files are not programs, pre se, they are lists of command line instructions that are batched together in one file. For the most part, you could manually type in the lines of a batch file and get the same results, bu...