MS-DOS call command help - Computer Hope's free computer help2015年法蘭克福車展即將在9月15號展開,而在這場歐洲兩年一度的車壇盛會展前,從車廠琳瑯滿目的展前新聞不難嗅出汽車品牌未來車款與市場規劃。Ford便在日前宣布將在法蘭克福車展推出大型SUV歐規Edge、新年式Kuga與小改款EcoSport多款SUV車型,展現看好年輕世代SUV市場的強烈企圖心。 Additional information and help about the MS-DOS call command. ... You are here: Help > MS-DOS Microsoft DOS call command Quick links About call Availability Call Syntax Examples Batch file help About call Enables a user to execute a batch file from withi...