2020 Subaru SUYA Club大會師 不只是車聚更像遊樂園
dos command delete folder and files using a wild card character - Stack Overflow隨著年底天涼好出遊的時間帶來,愈來愈多車迷俱樂部都選在這段時間舉辦,而以Subaru車款為主的SUYA Club,日前也在南投會展中心舉辦一年一度的年度大會師活動,為了讓前來參與的車主玩得盡興,主辦單位也特別籌畫南投城市尋寶記活動,讓活動變得更有意義。 漂亮的SG讓現場氣氛更加熱絡 圖In a DOS batch command window, I want to delete folders (and corresponding files within that directory) with part of the name that contains the following string (SUB I want to start ......