dos delete file

DOS Batch file to delete files by date range - Tech Support Guy    這隻鳥好特別...   但我被蒙蔽了!!I have a folder that i have to clean out weekly but only want to delete a certain range of files that are in a date range. I'd like to create a batch file that could do this in dos but am not sure of how to go about this. Any help would be greatly appreci...


How do I Detect (and Delete) a File if it is Empty using a DOS Batch File? - Stack Overflow      I've managed to make a macro that can actually delete empty files and empty folders within a folder hierarchy. I took me a while to fiddle it out, but now it works: @ECHO OFF SET topLevel=%cd% FOR /D /R %%D IN (*) DO ( CD %%D FOR %%F IN (*) DO ......


DOS Lesson 11: DOS Wildcards; File Attributes | Ahuka Communications    絕對中肯!!XD          For this lesson we are going to fill in a couple of concepts that we will need before we go further with directories. Wildcards Wildcards are characters that can be used to stand-in for unknown characters in file names. In card games, a wildcard is a card...


How to delete the duplicate record in text file using DOS? 太好了! 現在沒人....(用力爬)......Friends, Fine and hope the same. Actually I need to remove the duplicate records from my input file (text file). Will it be possible to do in DOS. If so please help me to resolve it off..., Input file : vinoth rajesh employee anand rajesh employeeGanesh O...


Barry Wilks' DOS INT 21h - DOS Function Codes 現在桃子的包裝真是令人害羞...DOS INT 21h - DOS Function Codes The follow abridged list of DOS interrupts has been extracted from a large list compiled by Ralf Brown. These are available on any Simtel mirror (e.g. under the directory ms-dos/info/
