DOS - rename file to file_ddmmyy_hhmmss - Programming 我願意,用自己一輩子的時間這樣來愛你 “我走過很多地方的路,我行過許多地方的橋,我喝過很多地方的酒,卻只愛過一個正當最好年齡的人。” 愛上你之後,便開始極愛這段話,用心去感受一切,珍藏一切,便會擁有一切。 &How do I rename a file from file.txt to file_ddmmyy_hhmmss.txt? I need this as part of a batch job. ... There are a couple of ways you can get a batch file to run a VBScript. Say your batch file and VBScript are in the same directory, your batch file can ...