windows - Rename Multiple files with in Dos batch file - Stack Overflow 她和前男友相戀了六年,前男友都沒有娶她的意思。 於是她選擇了結束六年的感情。 當她遇到現在的老公時,見第一面時,她說她想結婚了。 她老公只是笑了笑,在一起吃了頓飯,很開心,第二天各自回家告訴父母,一週後他們就訂婚了,兩週後他們結婚了,現在四年了.他們有一個三歲的兒子很幸福也很甜蜜。&nI wish to rename all files inside the folder *.txt, so the result will be "1.txt", "2.txt" and "3.txt", .... How can I do so? ... The following may accomplish what you are looking for. It uses a for loop to iterate through the text files and makes a "call...