dos set variable

MS-DOS set command help - Computer Hope's Free Computer Help   這些排檔一目了然阿!!誰還不會開車阿XD              You are here: Help > MS-DOS Microsoft DOS set command About set Availability Set syntax Set examples Secret commands About set Allows you to change one variable or string to another. Availability The set command is an internal command that is available in...


Shortest DOS batch file code to get first line of a file set to a variable? - Stack Overflow 天空掉下來不會死 踩到尖尖的馬上爆炸!!!              I am looking for the shortest amount of DOS code possible that will get the first line of a text file and set it to a variable in DOS/Windows. There are lots of examples of this kind of ......


Environment variable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這是生化人吧!Environment variables are a set of dynamic named values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. They are part of the environment in which a ... In DOS, OS/2 and Windows command-line interpreters such as COMMAND.COM and cmd.exe...


DOS Command: SET - DOS the Easy Way Guide to MS-DOS 恭喜你這次中頭獎了!!!The EasyDOS Internet Guide to MS-DOS ... SET The description below is from the book DOS the Easy Way by Everett Murdock Ph.D. CLICK HERE for information about downloading the book....


arrays - How do I increment a DOS variable in a FOR /F loop? - Stack Overflow 休息一下!I'm trying to read text lines from a file, and increment a counter so I can eventually simulate an array in DOS. I'd like to be able to store the lines of text in a DOS array for further processing. My current attempt is: set TEXT_T="myfile.txt" set /a c=...


鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 第十章、認識與學習BASH 想說多了一根菸的PUMA 加量又加價 賺到!誰知道是假貨= ="我們在第零章內的作業系統小節曾經提到過, 作業系統其實是一組軟體,由於這組軟體在控制整個硬體與管理系統的活動監測, 如果這組軟體能被使用者隨意的操作,若使用者應用不當,將會使得整個系統崩潰!...
