DoT (WoW) :: Wiki :: World of Warcraft :: ZAM ▲看起來像國小生的她已經是兩個孩子的媽。(source:twitter) 今天要報導的是韓國小夫妻的故事。 這位看起來超級童顏的女生名叫洪伶技,今年14...哦,不是,是23歲了啦! 她是一位南韓很有名氣的模特兒,生日是1992年7月29日,身高只有148公分,還擁有一張逆齡的童顏。DoT (WoW) DoT is an acronym for "Damage Over Time". It refers to any spell (such as Shadow Word: Pain or Immolate or ability (such as poisons or Rend that applies periodic damage over a period of time. Most often it refers to the spell variety when They d...