Build Guide DOTA 2: Ultra Hard Carry Guide你知道為何赤壁之戰為何曹軍大敗嗎?? 話說大戰之前,兩軍對峙,帶頭的總會互相喊話叫陣一番,蜀軍方面當 然是咱 頂頂大名的諸葛孔明上陣,曹軍則是蔣幹和曹操。 孔明:「幹,你娘好嗎?」 蔣幹只能摸摸鼻子說:「好…好!」 曹營士兵聽到對方這樣Intro Hello guys, this is my first official guide so any comments are encouraged. This guide is meant to be a in-depth guide to the hardest carries in the Dota 2 game, the carries that outfarm and scale into the ultra late game the hardest. This guide wil...