DotA 2 vs LoL - Educated comparison - PC/Mac/Linux Society - GameSpot我的妻子是一位小學老師,帶小學三年級的思想品德課。這天她給某班的同學出了一道題:「沒人的時候你做過什麼壞事」,並且表示,寫的最好的最真實的將得到一枝鋼筆的獎勵!卷子收上來以後,妻得到了好多答案,下面我摘幾條,供大家欣賞。「我在XXX家的牆上,寫過XXX王八蛋,因為他罵過我。」「我在我們家的樓下扎過XThere have been several articles describing how a player of LoL feels once he enters into DotA 2 lately. The problem is those articles were written by people that didn't actually get into DotA 2 and they basically had no idea what they are talking ab...