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Double-lumen endobronchial tube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 眾所矚目,引頸期盼的那一雙Nike Air Force 1 High,到底是哪款限定可以那麼有話題呢?就是那雙從9月初就開始鋪梗的Supreme聯名組。此次以品牌二十週年為主題,邀請Nike共同慶祝並以「World Famous」為主題來發想聯名,選用經典老款Nike Air Force 1 HiThe Double-lumen endotracheal tube (also called Double-lumen endobronchial tube or DLT) is a type of endotracheal tube which is used in tracheal intubation during thoracic surgery and other medical conditions, to achieve the selective one sided ventilatio...