down fill

【認識羽絨入門教學】Fill-power/ Fill down 羽絨膨脹係數 @ 合隆毛廠-台灣百年羽絨寢具、羽絨衣著、保暖抗寒的 ...      這叫螳螂捕蟬 麻雀在後吧!         有些地方也會寫成 Fill down 中文翻譯的意思是 羽絨膨脹係數 它是羽絨(Down)大小的單位,是評估羽絨蓬鬆再現度,以類推其保暖度的參數 例子: 一盎司(約28g)的羽絨所能膨脹的體積(以立方英寸來表示 ......


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Fill power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia標題使人看後驚訝不己Fill power is a measure of the loft or "fluffiness" of a down product that is loosely related to the insulating value of the down. The higher the fill power the more air an ounce of the down can trap, and thus the more insulating ability an ounce of the d...


Bing大家一起來COSPLAY                      必應詞典為您提供down fill的釋義,網路釋義: 填充;羽絨;羽絨填料; ... 1. 填充 雪衣講求防水、透氣﹔材質以羽毛填充(down fill)的保暖效果最好。顏色講求明亮鮮艷,以利不良天候中交通駕駛之辨識。...


DOWN @ belle的生活 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::我該說什麼呢……For a nominal cost, you can increase the fill power to 800+ goose down. 800+ fill goose down is currently the best down available in the industry. This fill power will increase the loft of your product, which in turn increases the warmth of your product w...
