Shanghai Restaurants & Bars | Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai at Puxi親愛的○○: ……我不知道怎麼說,但是我知道,再不說可能就沒機會了。昨天妳的媽咪說要帶妳們轉場,我警告她了,用我的拳頭,還答應免了她這個月的保護費,她才答應把妳留下。剛才老大打電話叫我去砍人,妳知道那些人已經搶了我們幾個堂口了,這次一定要把他們清除,我不知道自We’re sorry, we have no individual rooms or suites available online to accommodate that number of guests. We would be happy to accommodate your group in multiple rooms. Please increase the number of rooms and reduce the number of guests in each room....