Download The Windows® Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows® 7 from Official Microsoft Downlo一個酷熱的夏日,一中年男子出差,因天晚住進一個小旅店,正要就寢突然電話響起對不起我是櫃台「我們旅店有特殊服務你需要嗎?」 「不了謝謝!」男子回答 男子放下電話輾轉反側,難以入睡 於是抓起電話:「櫃台,給我來一個特殊服務。」 不一會一年輕女郎進來,男子問一夜多少The Windows® Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows® 7 helps you to install, customize, and deploy the Microsoft Windows® 7 and Windows Server® 2008 R2 family of operating systems. ... To install the Windows AIK, you must first download the ISO ......