History of Doctor Who - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(2017年2月13日,台北訊) 明天就是一年一度的西洋情人節了,Google今(13日)公布相關搜尋趨勢,為大家整理出台灣網友關注的焦點。根據Google內部數據,女生傾向在西洋情人節及早為送禮預做準備、男生則比較後知後覺,偏向在當天或節日後再搜尋送禮資訊。另外比較三大情人節的送禮選擇可發現,西洋Doctor Who is a British television science-fiction series, produced and screened by the British Broadcasting Corporation on their BBC 1 channel from 1963 to 1989 in its original form, with a new series launched in early 2005. In between the two, there was...